Tutorial 1

Parallel performance engineering using Score-P and Vampir

April 15, 2023

Authors: Holger Brunst (TU Dresden, Germany), Bill R. Williams (TU Dresden, Germany)

Bill has been working with HPC performance tools since 2007. He has presented various tutorials on Score-P and Vampir numerous times, including at Supercomputing, ISC, VIHPS tuning weeks, and NHR training courses at TU Dresden.

Holger has been working with HPC performance tools since 1998. He is a specialist in the field of performance analysis and regularly teaches system performance analysis classes. Like Bill, he has presented various tutorials on Score-P and Vampir on numerous occasions.


This tutorial will introduce participants to the Score-P measurement system and the Vampir trace visualization tool for performance analysis. We will provide examples and hands-on exercises covering the full performance engineering workflow cycle on applications that include MPI, OpenMP, and GPU parallelism. Users will learn the following concepts:

  • How to collect an initial profile of their code with Score-P
  • Evaluation of that profile and its associated measurement overhead
  • The concepts of scoring and filtering a profile and measurement respectively
  • How to control the Score-P measurement system via environment variables
  • How to collect useful traces with acceptable overhead
  • How to understand trace visualization in Vampir


Outline to be published soon!