We are happy to have you in ICPE 2023! The conference will be held at the Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas, Coimbra, Portugal. Check how to get there at the venue page.
Latest Updates:
- (04/26/2023) Thank you for attending ICPE! The presentations are available here.
- (04/18/2023) Check the slides of the “COST Action - CA19122 European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics” here.
- (04/13/2023) Proceedings are now available! Check them here (and here for the Companion volume).
- (03/31/2023) Updated directions on how to get to Coimbra from Lisbon or Porto in the venue page.
- (03/14/2023) We proudly present three exciting keynotes: Mathieu Nayrolles (Ubisoft), Federica Sarro (University College London), and Georg Hager (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg). See the details here.
- (02/25/2023) SIGSOFT CAPS Travel Support is available! More information on the registration page.
- Best Paper Award: Predicting the Performance of ATL Model Transformations (by Raffaela Groner, Peter Bellmann, Stefan Höppner, Patrick Thiam, Friedhelm Schwenker, Matthias Tichy)
- Best Industry Paper Award: Analyzing the Performance of SD-WAN Enabled Service Function Chains Across the Globe with AWS (by Aris Leivadeas, Nikolai Pitaev, Matthias Falkner)
- Best Data Challenge Paper Award: Analysing Static Source Code Features to Determine a Correlation to Steady State Performance in Java Microbenchmarks (by Jared Chad Swanzen, Kyle Thomas Botes, Husnaa Molvi, Omphile Monchwe, Dan Phala, Dustin van der Haar)
- Most Influential Paper Award: Self-Adaptive Workload Classification and Forecasting for Proactive Resource Provisioning (by Nikolas Roman Herbst, Nikolaus Huber, Samuel Kounev, Erich Amrehn)
- Best Reviewer and Associated Reviewer: Hanspeter Mössenböck (PC member), Raphael Mosaner (associated reviewer)
- Best Reviewer and Associated Reviewers: Anne Koziolek (PC member), Larissa Schmid and Martin Armbruster (associated reviewers)
Candidates to the Best Paper Award
- Is Sharing Caring? Analyzing the Incentives for Shared Cloud Clusters (by Talha Mehboob, Noman Bashir, Michael Zink, David Irwin)
- Systematically Exploring High-Performance Representations of Vector Fields Through Compile-Time Composition (by Stephen Nicholas Swatman, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Andy Pimentel, Andreas Salzburger, Attila Krasznahorkay)
- DrGPU: A Top-Down Profiler for GPU Applications (by Yueming Hao, Nikhil Jain, Rob Van der Wijngaart, Nirmal Saxena, Yuanbo Fan, Xu Liu)
Candidate to the Best Data Challenge Paper Award
- Efficient Data Processing: Assessing the Performance of Different Programming Languages (by Lukas Beierlieb, Andre Bauer, Robert Leppich, Lukas Ifflaender, Samuel Kounev)
About ICPE
The International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) originated 14 years ago from the fusion of an ACM workshop on software and performance prediction and a SPEC workshop focused on benchmarking and performance evaluation.
ICPE continues true to its origins with focus both on software performance modeling, prediction, and measurement as well as on benchmark-based performance evaluation. The areas to which such principles are applied have evolved over the years with the technological evolution in academia and industry.
ICPE contributions appear at all levels of system and software design, performance modeling, and measurements of performance, from the cloud’s core to edge, from mobile devices to major data centers, from web applications to scientific applications.
The ICPE focus on engineering performance means that industrial practitioners and academics that participate in ICPE are interested in quantifying the performance impact of all aspects of complex systems design and implementation. Length of design cycles, life-time maintenance issues, quality of experience, costs to delivering a system or service are also the focus of the intellectual curiosity of ICPE participants.
Notice: ICPE 2023 will be held in person. Remote presentations and pre-recorded videos are not allowed unless all authors of an accepted paper are under special circumstances that prevent them from attending the conference in person. Requests for such exceptions will be considered carefully by the organizing committee.
If you have any question about ICPE, please contact us through the following e-mail: icpe2023@dei.uc.pt